Hair Loss and Dandruff

Hair Loss and Dandruff

Stress, worry, anxiety, and inadequate nutrition lead to hair loss and premature graying of hair. A certain amount of hair loss is considered normal, as old strands are replaced by new. When hair loss is excessive, care must be taken. Similarly, the graying of hair after a certain age is a normal phenomenon, but when this starts in the early years of life, one should look into for remedies.

Causes of hair loss

Increased intake of fried, sour, spicy, salty, and fermented foods, as well as tea and coffee, aggravate the Pitta Dosha (Ayurvedic humor representing Fire) in the body. This Pitta accumulates in the skin of the scalp, leading to hair falling out and graying prematurely. Factors like excessive anger and stress are also responsible. Excessive consumption of alcohol and meat also aggravate Pitta.


Excessive shedding of dead skin from the scalp is known as Dandruff. Skin cells die and flake off, so a small amount of flaking is normal. Usually, the scalp skin dies and flakes off in a month, while in those suffering from Dandruff, this happens every 2-7 days. Apart from being a physical condition, dandruff is also associated with social and self-esteem problems in many individuals.

Causes of Dandruff

A variety of factors can cause dandruff in hair, e.g. increased intake of dry, cold, oily, spicy, and penetrating foods, hyperactivity of the sebaceous glands such as sweat glands, environmental allergens such as dust, cobwebs, sunlight, certain fabrics, soaps, shampoos and even certain types of food are sometimes responsible for dandruff. Some people have skins that are sensitive to seasonal changes. These people are also very vulnerable to dandruff. Stress is directly related to dandruff. People who live in a constant state of anxiety are prone to dandruff. Excessive cosmetic hair treatments such as hair-conditioning and hair-coloring, using hair curlers, perms and hair-bonding often result in a weak skin and eventually lead to dandruff.


  • Loss of Hair
  • Appearance of white flakes on scalp
  • Dryness of scalp
  • Redness and irritation on the scalp
  • Softness of the scalp skin
  • Continuous itchy feeling on the scalp

Chanda Ayurvedic Hair Loss and Dandruff Treatment

Treatment : 3 Months

Hair loss is known as Khalitya in Ayurveda & dandruff in the category of Shudra Roga. According to Ayurveda, hair is a byproduct of bone formation and the tissue responsible for building bones is also responsible for the growth of hair. Early hair loss is related to body type and the balance of the mind-body constitution (doshas). People who have excess Pitta in their body are likely to lose their hair early in life, or have prematurely thin or gray hair. Excess Pitta in the sebaceous gland, at the root of the hair, or folliculitis can lead to hair loss.

Ayurvedic treatment of hair loss is aimed at pacification of Pitta through a customized diet and lifestyle regime, along with medication. A combination of diet, herbs, oil massage can be beneficial in addressing the problem of hair loss , Dandruff and premature graying of hair.

How to Use :

Use little oil and massag your hair before sleep 10 minutes and in morning wash it out with Chanda shampoo. Oil can also be used after bath also which provide strength to your hair.

Diet & Lifestyle Advice

  • Avoid Pitta-aggravating foods like spicy, heavy, and oily foods, as well as tea and coffee.
  • Avoid refined foods, refined sugar, junk food, and alcoholic and carbonated drinks.
  • Increase intake of fresh fruits, green leafy vegetables, and vegetable juice prepared from lettuce, carrot, capsicum, and alfalfa.
  • Avoid using chemical products on the hair. Try herbal oils and shampoos instead.

Dandruff lifestyle Advice

  • Wash hair regularly 2-3 times a week with a mild shampoo.
  • Massage your hair with oil every time before washing the
    head and hair.
  • Avoid spicy, greasy, hot and penetrating foods, junk food, and aerated drinks.
  • Have food with good nutritive value; include fiber-rich foods, salads, fruits, and lentils.
  • Do regular yoga and exercises to minimize stress levels.
  • Avoid scratching the scalp with hands or any other objects.

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